Monday 23 August 2010

FOQ- shopping.

Well, I came home with just coins in my purse, to be expected really. I went with a shopping list and managed to get most of the items on it, plus, quite a few that were not!!
Not in the photo was some fabric for dyeing and some books, can't go to a show without buying at least one book.
I want to learn how to manipulate photos for using in my work and I hope that one of the books I chose, will be in layman's terms for me, it looks like it, but wont know until I try it out.
I liked the bags that we got from Craftynotions, so much so that Nickie and I begged another one and then we wouldn't use them in case they got torn. They have been made in India from old newspapers by an NGO, and the idea is that when these bags are bought by retailers they help provide education and shelter for the street children.

I was lucky enough to get a £5 voucher for being spotted with my catalogue showing the back page, it had to be spent on Coates products, not a problem, I like Alcazar threads. ( I actually got spotted twice, and I was allowed to give the second one to Nickie)


Diane Kelsey said...

Some great shopping! I looked at the templates myself, but decided they would have to wait until the K&S show.

artymess said...

Looks like you had fun wish I had gone now .......x

Julie said...

Some serious shopping there Sharne :)