A good journey meant that we arrived at Ally Pally with time for a coffee and Danish before the doors opened. It also gave us a chance to go through the catalogue and plan our day.
As soon as we were through the door we bumped into Christina of small Chat, so that is where we started. I loved Christina's books and we were hoping that she could bring them to our Show ' n' Tell at our next meeting but the exhibition will be onto it's next venue. So hopefully she will bring them next year, to show our members. The it was onto Clyde Olliver. We first saw his work at the NEC a couple of years ago. I loved these three pieces, and he kindly let us take photo's and posed for us .
Deirdre Hawkins had created some wonderfully calorie free desserts, so many to choose from, it is hard to believe they are not real.
We bought Maggie's new book and watched her demo Collagraphy. Lots of wonderful work to look at too!
This is just part of a paper cut installation. I reckon it must have been 12' tall and there were separate hanging layers of beautifully cut foliage.
Checked out the Embroiderers' Guild stand, such a pity they don't let anyone take photo's.
I am sure bloggers will recognise the lovely brooches above, that were on the 'Stitch' stand.
There was an exhibition of Julia Caprara's work, such an amazing use of colour!. Lots of students in here drawing and taking pictures.
We have been on two courses at Missendon with Sheelagh Stevens, and she omitted to mention that she would be exhibiting at AP as a member of Bolt. It was lovely to see her and catch up on all her news. Nickie and I are hoping to meet up with her when she is back in London.
There was lots more to see but as there were exhibitions stands that didn't allow photo's, I cant show you any of their work.
No visit to AP would be the same without an ice cream before the journey home.
Here is Nickie staggering back to the car with all her buys. We were lucky to be given some tubes, so now we can create more vessels ala Lynda Monk. Awful journey home, the roads around AP were like a car park!
A great day, it is lovely to have this exhibition quite close to hand, as we get to meet and talk to so many people that we know, otherwise we might have ended up spending more money. LOL
I have come home and not spent over my budget. My best buys of the day was at Empress Mills. 4 bundles of Egyptian cotton for £5, they weigh half a kilo each. The other was, Maderia Rayon 40 threads, £1 reel.
Looks like a fun day with the arts. :)
Thank you so much Sharne.
Wished I could have got there, thanks for sharing your photo's.
M x
Glad you and Nickie managed to get home with those tubes! The journey home was awful wasn't it? I was stuck in Green Lanes for an hour!
I would have loved to have gone to AP so thank you for sharing your day here. I was fascinated to see Clyde Olliver, I do like his work, it fascinates me how he sews these materials together.
gla ypu and Nickie had such a good day - just to tempt you to come up North soon - Empress Mills is only an hour away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recognised the cotton, I bought some too. Missed the bargin threads. Also had a nighmare journey home.
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