Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Can you guess who it is yet??

As Rolf Harris would say!  I have finally found some machine needles in my day class bag, that the fabric and thread like.  So have managed to stitch quite a bit tonight.  One of my colleagues at work has been asking me to make a Jimi Hendrix embroidery, since Easter, (she also wants me to make a guitar !)   

The binding's are on my hanging now, and before doing some work on Jimi, I finished painting the foreground.  Tomorrow night I will work on the sky.


artymess said...

Sharne you wont believe this but I am working ona jimi hendrix piece for my show I'll post it up later it also has a stencil of Jimmi what a coincedence ....x

Diane Kelsey said...

Have you tried thr titanium needles from Barnyarns? They are fantastic.