Nickie, Margaret, Bonnie and myself left the group early so that we could go to the the ERTF exhibition in Cambridge as it was their final day.(Nickie and I havent got round to joining this group yet, but we have talked about it alot. Their meetings have always clashed with Schoolhouse Arts. Will have to see if we are allowed to join) Unfortunately photos weren't allowed, but lots of lovely work. Liz Holiday was very generous with information on how she constructed her book, and I shall get to see it again when she comes to speak at our Guild next April. It was lovely to see the work of so many that people I know.

I mounted my stitching of Twiggy onto a canvas box frame to take with me yesterday, but it had a very small mark on it, so painted it with Dyna Flo paints. I preferred it when it was black and white!

Today as well as making banana bread and sticky ginger cake, I have been working on a mixed media canvas for Jimi Hendrix and Woodstock. Purple, cerise and turquoise tissue paper torn and stuck on. I then stencilled some spirals with moulding paste and letters stuck on. Two coats of purple acrylic wash were applied. Its now ready for stitching. I have also cut out another vessel the same shape as before but a bit larger. So what to do tonight- stitch on the JH canvas, more beading on number 2 vessel, stick my samples in my sketch book or work on vessel 3. Too many choices.

I like your Twiggy stitching Sharne
I'm pleased you liked the work and that you managed to get to the ERTF exhibition. Of course you and Nickie will be allowed to join, we'd be lucky to have you! Hope the next meeting isn't going to clash! All the information is on the site. The banana bread sounds delicious, any left?
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