Monday, 9 November 2009

Busy, busy, busy.

Tonight it was out Embroiderers' Guild committee meeting, and we sped through it so I have manged to type up and email out the minutes this side of midnight for once!
I have a busy week ahead of me- blood donors tomorrow, speech night for work on Friday, National Portrait Gallery on Saturday with Di ( Beatles to Bowie exhibition) off to visit some of Alan's relies on Sunday. School reports are looming on the horizon as well, they are being printed this week:0(
Kezzy had her appointment at the hospital today, it is the start of a long job to get her teeth sorted. Three teeth need to come out after Christmas under a general. When I got home from work I had a letter from her school telling me I had an appointment to discuss her I.E.P on Friday, no other time or date available, also a letter to book an appointment at the hospital to see someone about her knees. This will not go down well at work!
As I was up at 5.30 this morning to take Rhodri to the station,( I had to scrape ice off my car!) I was able to have a little dabble with my workshop lesson. I hope to have something to show soon- life permitting!

1 comment:

Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

Hi Sharne,
I wanted to email you but I could not find an address.
Thank you.x