Friday, 27 November 2009

Reports finished-Christmas preperations can start now!

My reports are written and been proof read, so hopefully they should be printed Monday-thank goodness!My only play this week has been making a Christmas present for my brothers girlfriend. She has just moved into a new flat in Twickenham, I just need to finish embellishing it. the wooden letters are 1" thick, painted several times and then covered with papers. I hope to put the finishing touches to it tomorrow before I go Christmas shopping.
Tomorrow night I am going to a quiz night in support of the local children's hospice-Little Haven. I have managed to get a collection tin for this charity, and on Monday it will be going in the staff room. Instead of swapping Christmas cards we are putting a donation in the tin.

1 comment:

Margaret Cooter said...

Great idea to have a collection tin instead of card exchange - I'll suggest that at work for next year.