I had a lovely surprise in the post today, a handmade card from
Carolyn. Thank you!

Apart from
a visit from my Grandchildren:0),
making yet more mince pies ala
delivering my Christmas cards and catching up with Nickie and Lucy,
I made another bracelet for work colleague.

And, at long last, started work on my next vessel. I had cut the pieces the other day but hadn't got round to making all the voids.

Kezzy thought it looked really good fun so she came to have a play with my spare soldering iron.

I have been telling/boring you all with my on-going saga with the 'very dodgy dealer', and today as I can't seem to get any help from Police or the Courts I have put the matter into the hands of a debt collector, a bit scary as I have never had any dealings with them before. They hope to resolve the matter for me within 28 days! We shall see.
A few weeks ago, there was an Art Doll Challenge, Mother Earth, run by CPS. As I was busy with reports and getting ready for Christmas, I wasn't going to do anything about it. BUT, one night I had a light bulb moment and decided to have a go. Last night I heard that my 'doll' hadn't been selected, not that I expected it too, as my doll isn't pretty. My doll is making a statement about global warming and how man is killing the planet.

I have given her the title of:-
'Her Whole World Has Crumbled Around Her Feet.'And this explains my thinking behind my 'doll':-
'A tear of despair rolls down her face as she examines a piece of her world; her beauty and health long gone.
Holes in the ozone layer, CO2 emissions, carbon footprints and pollution all caused by man's wanton damage to the planet. Her warnings were disregarded!'

She is constructed from gauze and tissue, stuffed and coloured. Footprints have been stamped over the world. I collected all the text from a few daily newspapers. Needle felted hair, face coloured with alcohol inks.The world was printed onto Tyvek, cut up and then attacked with a heat gun. Height 11", width 2", width, base 8" weight
less than 4 ounces/or 100 gms
Though my 'doll' conveys a serious message about our planet, I really enjoyed making her and felt quite sad, when I put the last finishing touch to her.
As I am going to stay with my Mother in Buckingham for Christmas tomorrow, may I wish everyone who visits my blog:-