Sunday, 23 May 2010

Doing a David Bailey again.

Still working on photos for the art course, I only took 40 today and deleted all but these few, thank goodness for digital. Shows how much gardening I haven't done this year, to find this dandelion growing in the flower bed.
This primulas are growing in the bog garden, the red tip is all the buds waiting to come out.We have manged to keep the Kangaroo Paw through the winter, we usually loose them to the frost, and to have it in flower, an added bonus.
Trying for the arty shot of a flower through a glass of very weak shandy.
Runner beans are now planted out, I just hope they are not attacked by the slugs and snails. As the weather has been so good today, we have eaten all our meals al fresco, wonderful!
After the trip to Maldon yesterday, I made a start at long last on my panel. I have been drawing the design onto water soluble, still got some more drawing to do before I start working out where to place the coloured sheers.
I have also finished stitching all the tree trunks on my 'Hundertwasser'.


Miriam Weaver said...

Lovely images Sharne, how did we manage before the invention of the digital camera!
Hope everything is ok with you, and life is being kind.

Diane Kelsey said...

Great pictures, what camera do you use?