Thursday, 8 April 2010

A sign that the weather is getting better- a hot air balloon was up this afternoon.

I have started another sample, the machine stitched beautifully tonight, not that I have done very much. I bought some size 60 and 70 machine needles today at Hobbycraft and that seems to have worked-fingers crossed.

We have a very early start tomorrow, (that why I have stopped sewing!) Kezzy is going into hospital for the day, to have three teeth taken out under general anesthetic. We have to be at Broomfield by 7.30a.m. Kezzy is going to struggle to be up and ready to leave by 6.45 as she goes v e r y s l o w l y in the morning!!!!


Diane Kelsey said...

Hope everything goes well with Kezzy. Thinking of you!

Miriam Weaver said...

Hope that everything went ok. Mx