Monday 12 April 2010

KISS challenge

When hubby came to see what I had been doing yesterday with my sampling, he thought that the word 'love' didn't show up enough. So, in between trying to help Kezzy with her Shakespeare homework, I doodled on some paper to try and get clearer words. Hence sample number 5, just waiting for his comments. I shall stop work on this for a few days so that I can get on with........... My piece I am making for the KISS challenge. I have got a lot of stitching still to do, but I am really enjoying having some hand stitching on the 'go'.
I painted the base fabric with Procion dye and used a commercial black fabric. Though I put Bondaweb on the tree, I only lightly ironed it in place just enough to hold it, for me to hand stitch in place. I am now busy hand stitching the 'sky' with random straight stitch, this has to be finished by the end of this month.


Judy Martin said...

Your tree image is wonderful. It reminds me of one I did of the elm tree on the property I grew up on with an orange sky behind it.

Nice to read your blog.


Your tree is magnificent! Love the warm sky!