Today, my plans went slightly awry as I had to go into school for the meeting that was cancelled on Friday. It was supposed to be a brief chat, BUT, it was 2 hours later before I could escape. Kezzy wanted to go to Mersea, it is the first time we have been back since Malc died on Boxing Day. This is our favourite beach because it doesn't get busy, in fact we shared the beach with only two other families and a couple of people dog walking- just how I like it!

There is going to be a Regatta on Saturday so there were lots of boats racing up and down for us to watch.

I also enjoyed watching the birds, saw the Oyster Catchers again and what I think were Curlews (hard to tell when they are in the distance and the eyesight not what it was) There was also a very small wading bird, but I don't know what they were, I shall have to do some research (flies in a flock and quite noisy!)
We then went to the other beach so that we could get an ice cream, fairly busy and the beach huts seem to be multiplying.

Tried for an arty shot here! i feel sooo relaxed having spent a couple of hours on the beach, must do it again very soon.

Last night after reading
Carolyns blog, I decided to have a go at natural dyeing with some blueberries that Rhodri hadn't eaten. I cooked them for 15 minutes and left them to cool down. Tonight I strained the fluid into a bowl and added my unmordanted fabric. I will now leave them in the dye for a couple of days.( I didn't cook them like Carolyn, so it will be interesting so see how they differ) I will post pictures of the results later in the week.

Last night and tonight I have been working on my 'pan scourer' bag, as I have not done anything to it since I got back from my Mothers at the beginning of August. Joined the pieces together, made the lining, and now working to make a fastening.