Sunday, 5 June 2011

More books.

Our young friends came round for the day today, it was social as well as for Karen and I to make some more items for their Wedding.

 First book we made is for her hen weekend in Prague, split rings have been used so more pages or mementos can be added if wanted.  We have made some deliberate mistake with some of the spellings.
 This is is the photo album for the Blessing that they are having here, in England after they get married in South Africa.
 Karen's hobby is taking  photo's of flowers, so having seen this paper and just had to have it, decided to make an album for some of her many photos, again split rings so that more pages can be added when necessary.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I just started my own small business yesterday and am having issues networking. Can you please pass along my link. Thank you so much. Brian Howard..