Friday, 18 January 2013

Textiles in Focus.

It is a month to go, until Textiles in Focus.
Those of you who know me, know that I am a member of Fen Edge Textiles and we are one of the exhibiting groups at Textiles in Focus this year.
 I am busy working on my last item for the exhibition and with luck and maybe a couple of snow days, I might just get it finished.  We were supposed to be going to Cambridge tomorrow, but our FET meeting has been cancelled due to the bad weather that has been forecast. All being well we will go next weekend instead, although that clashes with YE.
I will bore you all with photos of my work, once Textiles in Focus starts.


Julie said...

I'm coming to TIF on the Sunday so Maybe I'll see you there? I'm looking forward to seeing the exhibition. I'm coming down with two friends and we've all been lucky enough to get into a workshop with Lynda Monk. Let's hope the snow is well gone by then.

Purple Missus said...

Your work is never boring Sharne. :)

Disappointed about the meeting - have actually finished all of 2 pieces and was going to bring them along.
Can't make next week, workshop in Hampshire. See you on the 9th.

Lin said...

Looking forward to seeing your work. There are 'upsides' to having snow - I've got lots done!

Cas Holmes said...

snow days what are they?