I have been busy getting ready for Christmas like everyone else. Now it is Boxing Day, I have got time to update my blog and let you know what I have been up to. I have done lots of cooking:-
Mince pies with frangipagne topping ala Gina.
Cupcakes in various flavours to put into boxes to give as presents. These were vanilla flavour with fondant topping.
Chocolate cupcakes with Dooleys and whiskey.
Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla butter icing. (below)

A birthday cake for my friend who loves marzipan, so I used a Simnell cake recipe.

A knitted shrug for a friends Christmas present.

A Christmas ring for my lounge.

Then I made one for my daughter.

I offered to help my daughter make the hamper for the local playgroups Christmas fair. I did not want to decorate the cardboardbox with wrapping paper, so sprayed it before embellishing it. Great fun, the house was smothered in glitter.

I had intended making Christmas cards for some of my friends but just ran out of time. I did make this one inspired by a tree decoration I saw on a blog, sorry, I don't know where I saw it.

I had to make a card for each of my grandsons. Kezzy think they look like alien snowmen.

And last but not least, I finished the quilt for my friend to keep her warm, in time to give it to her before Christmas, just!!!I am knitting again, another shrug but I can't say who it's for just yet!